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Righteous Lies (Book 1: Dancing Moon Ranch Series) Page 13
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Page 13
Jack said nothing, just stood silent.
"For three years all I've thought about was you. I can give you another son. It'll be different this time. The doctor can put me on a medication for depression. Things could be like they were." She ran her hands up Jack's chest and curved them around his neck and moved to kiss him, but Jack stopped the kiss by unwrapping her arms from around his neck and holding her away from him, and saying, "You've had your say, now go. You're not wanted around here."
Lauren looked at him, her long lashes spiked with tears. "You can't mean that," she said, in a desperate voice. "I've paid for what I did and I'll continue paying for the rest of my life. And you'll never find anyone who loves you as much as I do."
Jack released Lauren's wrists and walked over to the chair where Grace was sitting and took her hand, pulling her up. When Grace turned, Lauren looked startled to see she was pregnant. She also looked desperate. A woman who'd lost her man. Jack put his arm around Grace and tugged her against him, and when Grace placed her hand on Jack's waist she felt, against the heel of her hand, a hard ridge beneath his sweats, and knew it was Lauren's presence that caused it. She also knew that, in spite of what the woman had done, Jack loved her. Still, Grace snuggled against Jack, making her claim, fragile though it was.
"This is Grace," Jack said, "and the child she's carrying is our son, Adam."
Lauren looked at Grace's hand on Jack's belly, and said to Jack, in a brusque dry tone, as if Grace wasn't there, "She's not wearing a wedding ring. Is she your wife?"
Jack's arm tightened around Grace, as he said, "The day you killed Jackie was the day you gave up your right to ask questions. Now, you need to go."
"Lauren?!" Susan called out. "Oh, my God. It's you!" Susan rushed up the porch steps, and Lauren turned and took Susan in her arms.
Lauren released Susan to take her hands, and said, "We have so much to catch up on. And look at you. You're having another baby. That's wonderful."
Grace stared at Susan. For the first time in weeks, Susan looked happy, and it took a woman who'd killed her own child to do it.
"Come on," Lauren said to Susan, turning her back on Grace and Jack. "We'll go to your house. You can fill me in on everything that's happened."
As Grace watched the women walk away, she knew that soon, Lauren Hansen would learn that the woman carrying Jack's child had never slept with him. Which opened the door wide for Lauren to step back into Jack's life. There was no question Jack still wanted her. She shrugged away from Jack, and saying nothing, went to her bedroom and shut the door.
Jack didn't follow, and after a few minutes, Grace heard him rummaging around in his bedroom for a few minutes, followed by the front door closing, and the truck engine revving, and when Grace looked out the bedroom window, Jack's truck was barreling down the ranch road...
By ten o'clock that night, Jack still hadn't returned, so Grace went to bed.
Sometime later, she heard the truck pull to a halt out front, but Jack didn't come to the house. After a while, Grace looked out the window and saw a light on in the stables. She considered going out to see what Jack was doing but decided to leave him alone. He didn't need the mother of his unborn son putting pressure on him and making physical demands. He needed time to sort things out... Unless, Lauren was out there with him...
Later yet, Grace heard the front door fly open and hit the wall, followed by a string of expletives. She didn't know whether Jack was drunk, or if he was just stumbling around in the dark, but it wasn't long before the door to his bedroom closed with a thud, and he never came to her bedroom as planned. And it was very clear why.
At dawn, Jack slipped out the house without disturbing Grace and left on his horse. Snow had started falling during the night, and the air had a bite to it, but he didn't care. He needed to get away. He was disgusted that Lauren showed up at the ranch, and he didn't want to see her again. He was also disgusted with Sam for allowing her to stay with Susan. He'd always had a certain amount of respect and admiration for Sam. He'd been the one to go to college and come back to help their parents run the guest ranch end of the operation, and take over after their father died. And Sam set his sights on starting a winery, and it would be a success if he ever got it going. But then they both met beautiful, self-centered women, and both of their lives changed.
But for Sam to allow Lauren to stay in his house was more than he could handle. Just having the woman who killed his son on the property was too much. He hadn't planned on returning to the cabin when he set out, but that's the direction the horse took, which suited him fine. The cabin was secluded, a place guests could rent if they didn't mind roughing it without electricity or indoor plumbing.
By the time he arrived, another couple of inches of snow covered the ground. After starting a fire in the fireplace he made a pot of coffee and drank most of it, then hiked up a snow-covered path to the top of the mountain, if only to release some pent up anger. Lauren's arrival affected him in ways he hadn't expected. But standing at the summit, where he could see for miles in all directions, helped put things in perspective, and by late afternoon, he was ready to return to the ranch, but only after spending time at Whispering Springs, another sanctuary, which was in a cavern, a short hike off the riding trail.
He and Sam had been going there for as far back as he could remember. Descendants of Native Americans living in the area claimed if a person sat in the hot springs pool and listened to the sounds inside the mountain they'd be freed of evil spirits. Jack didn't know about that, but whenever he sat in the pool, he could work out his problems. Maybe because it was relaxing or maybe because the eerie sounds set the mind working. Whatever it was, the mind just seemed to clear. And today, he wanted to listen to the sounds and try to figure out why he couldn't bring himself to tell Grace he was willing to adopt her husband's baby and raise him along with Adam.
Three-quarters of the way back to the ranch he tethered his horse, took a towel from his saddle bag, and hiked up a narrow footpath to the cavern housing the spring. Although the air outside was frigid, inside the dusky twilight of the cave it was warm from the steam swirling and rising off the natural rock pool. Stripping off his clothes, he immersed himself in the water and rested his head against the rock wall behind and closed his eyes.
After a while, haunting sounds echoed from the depths of the mountain. Eerie, unnatural sounds. Sometimes when he'd sat in the pool the sounds had been like wailing women. Other times they were more like the sobs of a woman in distress, but eventually the sounds faded into soft sighs. No one could explain why, only that it was the way it had always been...
"The spirits are gone now," his father told him and Sam years before, after a long stretch of listening to sounds that eventually faded into soft whisperings. He and Sam were about six at the time, but as he got older, he was convinced there was some kind of supernatural being living in the mountain. But whatever the reason, things seemed better if he stayed long enough...
For a while he sat in the hot water, listening to the sounds. But then his thoughts turned to Grace. He imagined her sitting beside him on the natural rock ledge. He'd place his hand on her bare belly and hold it there and feel Adam kick. Then he'd hold her breasts and tease her nipples. She liked that, and he liked it too. He liked the weight of her breasts in his hands. They were naturally large, but soon they'd be filled with milk. He could imagine taking one of those large, dark nipples in his mouth and sucking while listening to all of Grace's little sounds of pleasure...
He opened his eyes and looked directly at Lauren. He'd never felt so vulnerable in his life, sitting naked in the pool, aroused from thinking about Grace, staring at the woman who'd killed his son. "Get out of here," he shouted.
"Not until you listen to me," Lauren replied.
"I don't want to hear anything you have to say," Jack said.
Lauren removed her jacket and started unbuttoning her shirt. "You don't have a choice. I have things
to say and I'm getting in there with you."
"Like hell you are." Jack rose out of the water and climbed onto the rock floor of the cavern. Snatching up his towel, he started drying off. Grabbing his briefs, Jack shoved his feet into them and yanked them up his legs, then tugged on his jeans.
Lauren walked up and put her hands on Jack's chest, and said, "Make love to me and if afterwards you still want me to leave, I'll go away and you'll never see me again. But if you don't make love to me, I'll keep after you until you're ready to forgive me and love me again."
Jack shoved her hands away and reached for his shirt.
"She's nothing to you," Lauren continued. "The only reason she's having your child is because of a mistake. Susan told me all about it." When Jack refused to be baited, she said, "She's also too short. You always said you liked tall women like me. And she has big breasts and you never liked women with big breasts. You said mine were perfect."
Jack felt his anger mounting, and with it, an urge to hurt Lauren for all the hell she'd put him through. He felt like telling her Grace was right for him in every way, that he liked a woman with big breasts because that's how Grace was, and it felt right to have his arms around a woman who was not so tall because when she lay with her back against his chest, and his arm was over her, his hand could reach all the places she liked to be touched, and it was important to him that she was going to nurse their son and all the other children she wanted to have, and he'd be the father of those children because he planned to marry her.
The realization came to him on the mountain, when he stood looking off in the distance, and it settled in as he soaked in the hot springs pool while listening to the sounds around him. It was like an epiphany. Marrying Grace. Having her in his house because she was his wife, not just because she was the mother of his son. Raising other sons with her. And daughters. Little clones of their mother. Perfect, like Grace.
He shrugged into his jacket and headed out the cavern, and saw tied to a tree at the bottom of the footpath, the horse Lauren once owned, but had to give up with the divorce settlement. "You took Creed without my permission," he said. "I could have you arrested."
"But you won't," Lauren replied. "We'll ride back together and you can at least listen to what I have to say. If you feel the same when I'm done I'll leave you be. Just give me one more chance to make you understand what was happening with me. Please Jack. Give me that much."
Jack looked at the woman he once thought was the most beautiful woman in the world, and wondered what it was he saw in her beyond that. She disgusted him now. And he owed her nothing, not even ten minutes of his time while riding down the trail to hear her pour out her heart. "When we get back to the ranch you'll turn Creed into the corral and leave."
"Then I can ride with you?"
"I can't very well stop you." Jack rushed ahead and untied his horse, then launched himself into the saddle and started back.
Lauren quickly mounted her horse and caught up with him. "You don't have to say anything," she said, keeping pace. "Just listen. When I was in prison I had time to read about postpartum depression. Everything was like it described. I started feeling sad, and I became moody and agitated. Then, I started losing touch with reality. I'd see Jackie and he wasn't Jackie. He was this ugly, distorted... thing. If anyone had picked up on it I could have been put on drugs. I was psychotic and didn't know what I was doing."
Jack looked straight ahead, saying nothing. He was glad the ranch was in view. They'd put the horses away and Lauren would leave. He had things to say to Grace, and he wanted Lauren off the ranch when he said them. And he wanted to hold Grace and tell her he loved her.
"Jack?" Lauren said. "Can you ever forgive me?"
"Can you ever bring Jackie back?" Jack asked.
"No," Lauren replied, "and I'll be living with it until the day I die."
"So will I," Jack said, then clenched his jaws.
"Do you at least understand?" Lauren asked, turning to look at him.
Jack fixed his eyes on the stables. "Everything wasn't fine from the start," Jack said. "You refused to nurse Jackie."
"That's because I didn't think I'd have enough milk," Lauren said.
Jack heard that excuse from her before, and he'd been furious she refused to give Jackie her first milk. It had also been the first time he'd looked at her and seen her for what she was. A vain, egotistical, self-centered woman. "You wouldn't nurse because you didn't want to mess up your figure. Before we married you said women got sagging breasts from nursing. I should have picked up on it then. Well, Grace isn't worried about her figure. She plans to nurse Adam for six months, and if her breasts start to sag, I'll know it's because she's a good mother. She's also the woman I plan to marry."
On returning to the stables, Jack dismounted and led his horse inside. When Lauren did the same, he took the reins from her, and said, "Leave the ranch. I don't want you upsetting Grace."
"I'm a guest of Sam and Susan," Lauren clipped. "I'll leave when I'm ready."
Jack said nothing, just silently unsaddled the horses and turned them into the corral, then headed for the house.
"Grace, we need to talk," Jack's voice came through the closed door to Grace's bedroom.
"Go away. I'm busy," Grace called back. She was also angry, and disillusioned. Just before Lauren arrived, Jack felt something for her. It had come on gradually, but it was there.
...maybe I'll take you up on fixing my problem. It would beat taking a cold shower...
And then Lauren arrived, and Grace felt Jack's response to Lauren against her hand.
She also suspected that Lauren had been with Jack in the stables the night before, taking care of his problem the way he wanted Lauren to do from the moment he set eyes on her. And a few minutes ago, seeing them return from the mountain on horses, she knew he'd been with Lauren from dawn. They'd also come down from the trail to the hot springs Flo told her about, where it was common practice at the ranch to sit naked in the pool and listen to the sounds...
"Grace, I have something to say to you," Jack said.
"Just go away," Grace called back. She'd made a big decision during the day and it was not up for discussion. Jack would have no say.
"I know you're upset," Jack said, "and that's not good for you."
"I'll be more upset if you step through the door," Grace warned.
"Yeah, well, you'll have to deal with it because we're going to talk." Jack opened the door and stood looking at her, brow puckered as he saw her hunkered over the bed, putting clothes into one of two large canvas tote bags. "What are you doing?" he asked.
"Packing." Grace unzipped an end section and stuffed in a stack of panties and several nursing bras.
Jack took her arm and pulled her around. "What are you thinking? You can't leave now."
Grace shook off his hands. "You wanna bet?"
"I know you're upset about Lauren, but she's nothing to me," Jack said.
He reached for her arm again, and Grace yanked it from his grasp. "I'm not even going to comment on that," she said, tucking a box of nursing pads into another section.
"Don't do this," Jack said. "You're not being rational."
"I'm not your ex-wife," Grace snapped. "I don't do irrational things."
"Going home is irrational," Jack said. "You're settled here, the baby's room's ready, I'm here to take you to the hospital when your time comes. And I won't let you go."
Grace maneuvered a stack of maternity pants into the bag. "I'm not going home," she said, "I'm packing for New Jersey. You can tell Susan I'm having the baby there."
"Hell if you aren't irrational," Jack bellowed. "You're two weeks from delivering."
"Actually nine days," Grace clipped.
"If you're doing this because of Lauren, it doesn't make sense. I didn't ask her here," Jack said. "I told her to leave. And I have no control over what goes on in Sam's house, and Sam wants her there because she's having a settling effect on Susan."
nbsp; "And what effect is she having on you?" Grace shoved a stack of maternity tops into the bag. "Never mind, don't answer that. I felt the effect myself."
"Well, you don't have the facts right," Jack said. "Just before Lauren arrived you had your hands on me and I was kissing you and that made me hard."
"But not enough to come to my bedroom later," Grace replied.
"Yeah, well I needed time to think."
"It turns out so did I, and I'm leaving for New Jersey."
"It's too late. The airlines won't let you fly."
"They will with a certificate from an obstetrician dated within a couple of days of the flight. I already checked."
"Grace, you can't do this. You could have the baby on the plane."
"I'll take that chance."
"I have some say in this."
"No, Jack, you don't. Now please go. I'm busy."
"You're doing this because my ex-wife, who means nothing to me, showed up."
"No, I'm doing it because of Ricky. Now, do something useful and tell Sam and Susan to start packing. The sooner we leave, the less chance of Susan and me having our babies on the plane." When Jack did nothing, Grace hurled the clothes she was holding onto the bed, swept past Jack and marched out of the house and across the driveway. Bursting into Sam's house, she glanced from Sam, who was standing near the fireplace, to Susan, who was sitting on the couch holding Lauren's hand, and said to Susan, "If you'll agree to carry my husband's baby to full term, I'll fly to New Jersey to give birth."
Susan looked at her, stunned. "You'd do that?"
"Yes, but only if you carry my husband's baby to full term. I don't like the idea of flying, but I'm willing to do it if we make reservations right away."
Lauren said to Susan, "Do you mind if I talk to Grace alone?"